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Chrysanthemum Cone Hat
Christmas,craft for kids,craft ideas,decorative glass,flower craft,Glue stick,kids craft,knife tool,paper craft ideas,Paper Crafting,paper crafts,papercraft,Pencil,
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Party-Time Party Hats templates Pencil Scissors for paper Liquid glue Ruler White butcher paper Glue stick Ribbon Crepe paper in various colors
1. To make the chrysanthemum cone hat: Adhere two pieces of butcher paper using the glue stick. Allow to dry for about 10 minutes. Trace the cone template on the prepared butcher paper and cut out. Roll into a cone. Apply liquid glue along the tab and glue in place. Cut two pieces of ribbon about 20 in/50 cm for ties. Using the liquid glue, adhere the ribbons to the outside of the hat directly across fromeach other.
2. Stack three colors of crepe paper. Cut a 3-in-/7.5-cm-wide strip, through all layers, long enough to go around the bottom of the hat. Fold the stacked paper lengthwise into fourths.
Cut fringe nearly to the center on both long edges of the paper. Apply a very thin line of the liquid glue around the base of the hat about ½ in/12 mm from the bottom. Unfold the paper and attach one strip to the line of glue, being sure to glue the area of the strip without the fringe.
Apply a line of glue to the center of the first strip and attach the second strip. Repeat with the third strip, using small dots of glue spaced about 2 in/5 cm apart. The liquid glue will warp the crepe paper, but the flowers will cover the warped places in the next step.
3. Cut a strip of crepe paper 2 in/5 cm wide and 25 in/63.5 cm long. Starting at one end, pleat the strip widthwise to make a flower by pinching the strip of paper and applying glue here and there as you pleat to keep the folds together.
Make enough flowers to attach them every 2 in/5 cm around the base of the hat (about nine flowers). Allow the flowers to dry for about 30 minutes.
Clip the back of the flower to make a flat surface. Apply a dot of glue to the flat surface and press into place on the fringe, holding the flower in place a few minutes.
4. Cut a strip of crepe paper about 2 in/5 cm wide and 10 in/25 cm long. Fold lengthwise into fourths. Cut fringe along one unfolded edge nearly to the opposite edge of the strip of paper. Without unfolding the fringed paper strip, pinch it along the bottom of the unfringed edge. Apply a dab of liquid glue to the inside of the hat at the peak of the cone to keep the fringe in place and push the pinched end of the fringe into the hole at the top of the hat. Allow to dry completely, about an hour. Fluff the fringe and push open the flower petals before wearing the hat.
craft for kids
craft ideas
decorative glass
flower craft
Glue stick
kids craft
knife tool
paper craft ideas
Paper Crafting
paper crafts